I have mentioned before just how much I enjoy reading through bloggers Tag posts. All too often one gets caught up in trying to keep up with all the exciting beauty product reviews that one forgets to get a little more personal. I have been feeling quite run down thanks to some health issues and when I read this Me-Time tag over on Petal Poppets Blog I knew it was the perfect tag to answer right now. So lets get started…

I love this shot that my sister snapped of me on our recent road trip. I was in comfy clothes and staring at the sea lost in my thoughts.
What do you watch or read during me-time?
I tend to watch series on a regular basis so I don’t really consider it me-time per se but reality shows are my definite me-time indulgence. I am very into The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Project Runway at the moment.
What do you wear during me-time?
Usually leggings and a loose jumper if I am at home but comfort is key to relaxation so depending on what I am doing I try to go with the less is more approach.
What are your me-time beauty products?
I am super into Cloth Masks which can be used on the hands, feet, neck & decolletage and of course the face. I am currently using the Skin Republic range which I reviewed over here.
Current favourite nail polish?
I have fallen solidly for the OPI Hawaii range (which, yes I also reviewed recently here) but my ultimate me-time and always current shade is Essie Exotic Liras.
What do you eat/drink during me-time?
Red wine. I love red wine and am not ashamed to admit that a couple of glasses of red is the perfect company for me-time. Preferably Cabernet Sauvignon.
Current favourite candle?
Everyone is obsessed with Yankee Candles and other well-known brands but my personal fav would have to be Charlotte Rhys Vanilla Cream. It isn’t too strong and the scent gently, unobtrusively wafts through the area.
Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Yes, the outdoors are vital to me-time. I love to go for a long drive along the coastline and find a beautiful spot to just sit and watch the waves. I also enjoy going a for a run in the forest. Breathing in the fresh air and alone with only ones thoughts can be healthy and it’s important to sometimes step away from the constant social side.
Favourite online shop?
Currently Net-A-Porter.com and while most of the stuff on the site is out of my price range, I have promised myself to buy a pair of Louboutin heels at the end of the year so am saving up. I also love adding things to a wishlist and getting lost in the beauty of the designer pieces.
Anything to add? What else do you do on me-time?
Read blogs and I also sort out my clothes and makeup since order calms me.
I tag Candice from Beauty Candy Loves and Bailey from Vanilla Blonde and any of you that would like to do this tag!