Although the weather seems to have cleared up quite a bit it is still absolutely freezing cold and definitely winter. With this being said I felt it best to include some of my winter favourites. I still have one more exam to go on Tuesday but am partially in the holiday mindset this means that I am spending plenty of time in pajamas and watching series.

Last exam period I depended so much onRedbull and coffee that I ended up feeling very wound up and all in all completely awful. This semester I decided to invest in a properjuicer andswop out my coffee for a green juice every morning and afruitier one at lunch in place of the usual sugar-freeRedbull. I feel a lot better,suprisingly more energetic and my mind is much sharper in the mornings (I am usually very much an anti-morning person which is tough considering most of my exams begin at 8am). My skin is also a lot clearer and glows more. I have lost a bit of weight and feel less lethargic. My absolute favourite blend consists of apear, red apple, celery, mint, parsley, lime and green powder (spirulina, wheat grass,chlorella, barley grass). It sounds odd but is very delicious and refreshing.
Series I am currently addicted to is of course Game Of Thrones, say what you want about the last episode the Red Wedding but I am still enthralled. Although I am still busy with the books I am thoroughly enjoying how each scene plays out on screen. The writing is truly captivating too.
At night in place of coffee and hot chocolate I have swopped it for chai tea, creamy and spicy I really do enjoy the nurturing taste far more then any hot chocolate.
My new must-watch series is Da Vinci’s Demons. I am obsessed! Firstly I am fascinated by Leonardo Da Vinci and while they do take some creative license with this script they also offer many historical scenes and characters such as Lorenzo Medici and Vladimir the third Aka Dracula. Be warned though as this is a lot like GOT in terms of nudity and violence but it is never vulgar.