

One Stiletto At A Time delves into deeper topics in this section. Offering wellness posts on topics including health in general but also advocates mental health awareness. An often personal space about breaking the stigma and helping others too with several charity features.

Staying Healthy These Holidays

The holidays are definitely an indulgent time and one tends to eat (and drink) a bit more than usual. These are a few products I’ve used over the festive season, and will continue to use, that helped keep me feeling healthy and energised while also keeping my weight down. In no way was I restrictive in my eating, these products…

16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children

This time of the year is an exciting time for most with the count-down to Christmas beginning or perhaps you’re simply looking forward to your holiday break. However, it is also a very important time to speak up and have a voice. The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign and…

Take Back Your Power! Self-Defense Class at Life Retreat Studio

My absolute fav yoga studio the Life Retreat Studio ,is so much more than just a yoga studio. I mean they already offer Pilates, Nia, Dancing, Kiddies Yoga, Preggie Yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Bootcamp as well as Meditation and now Self-Defense classes. The minute I saw the class pop up on my Instagram I knew that I needed…

Why Don’t Beauty Bloggers Post Negative Reviews?

There is so much going on in the world, and right here in SA at the moment that this post almost seems trivial but the beauty blogging industry is an industry and sometimes voices need to be heard in order to move forward and grow. With the whole “fake followers” debacle from last week, bloggers and readers are pretty pissed…

Health- Herbalife Brutally Honest Review

At the end of last year Herbalife sent me some products to try. I knew of the brand and had seen people promoting it all over Facebook and on Instagram. All the people promoting it also happened to be distributers for the brand. Which has always created a level of unsureness from my side. I was however quite keen to…

Personal- Heart Surgery Part 1

I’m mentally and physically preparing for heart surgery and I’m scared AF! No, it won’t be open-heart surgery in fact it is a new and far more advanced technique called Cardiac Ablasion. Let’s allow a proper medical site to explain it “Cardiac ablation is a procedure that can correct heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias). Ablation usually uses long, flexible tubes (catheters)…