I, like approximately 50% of the population suffers from Keratosis Pilaris (offer refered to simply as KP). Those little annoying bumps that cover ones skin, usually on the back of the thighs and upper arms. They are completely harmless and are simply caused from an over production of keratin, a type of natural protein found in the skin.
I am fortunate in that my KP is hardly visible during the summer months but come winter and I absolutely hate how bad it gets. There is sadly no cure and it is a condition that you must constantly treat. The severity varies from person to person. I have tried countless products and have found that only dry brushing and constantly moisturising helps to keep it in check.
Someone once mentioned many months back that Environ’s Derma-Lac lotion helped KP, I only recently decided to try it and boy,oh boy does it work! After using it religiously every night for a week my KP is 90% gone and my skin is silky soft. If you stop using it then the KP comes back but this is enough of a “cure” for me. The lactic acid helps to exfoliate the protein but even though I have used numerous products containing lactic acid nothing has been as effective as this product.
It is a little pricey at around R200 for 200ml so only use it where you usually get KP and apply a more reasonable moisturiser elsewhere to make it last. The consistency is a little weird in that it is a clear watery gel rather than a lotion. The other not so wonderful factor is that it does smell a bit like self tan, but these two issues are practically non-issues in comparison to just how incredibly effective it is.