Why am I writing about Converse All Star sneakers?
Firstly just because this is One Stiletto At A Time. It’s an extraordinarily personal blog about my life’s journey and taking it one step at a time. No matter what is on my feet. My Converse All Star sneakers are absolute All-Stars for several reasons. They were top of my re-purchase list.

So yes, I am and always will be a “Stiletto” lover.
There is just something so powerful about strutting around in a pair of sharp heels. The past two years have increased my perception of my relationship with shoes. Ironically, 12 years after starting this blog. It reminded me exactly why I named my site One Stiletto At A Time.
I noticed the impact shoes have on one’s confidence level.
Throughout my hospital stays and recovery months. I fell into a slippers-only slump. Then it was fitted flat sandals. The amount of fear I experienced over the potential of falling was pretty powerful. It still is. So please, no one judge if you spot me gripping tightly onto railings if you see me out and about.
Meaning I wouldn’t go near a pair of heels. I didn’t want to risk damaging my implanted device. Plus, there was the fact that I didn’t even own any high heels! You know, after “the whole our entire house burning down experience” (You can read about it here). I had to build up not only my life, accepting my disability’s limitations, but also I needed a new wardrobe. It began with the “essentials”. I realised I don’t need nearly as much stuff as I thought I once did.
The greatest irony is that a year after most of the toughest challenges. I felt like purchasing a particular pair of stilettos for a media event. I felt ready. Except it was a Cinderella moment for me with myself. I surprisingly felt more comfortable in heels than in most flats and flip-flops. That’s when I knew One Stiletto At A Time was back!
To bring this post full circle, the other “Star” in my shoe closet is the extremely well-loved pair of sneakers from Converse, my All Stars. They were undoubtedly an immediate must-have.

I have been focusing on fashion favourites and trend features since “refuelling” my blog back into gear.
However, I do have plenty of travel features coming up. I have over 60 Drafts blog posts I have been planning to feature for far too long. I think writing this post has jumpstarted my desire to get going. To pump them out. Okay, why all the car-related terms? According to my own opinion, Instagram, Reddit and many other women as we tend to have smaller feet. In no way, am I discriminating against anyone of any gender who doesn’t fit into this majority but by having smaller feet (I’m a size 4).
Movements like toe-heel driving and other vehicle control make it far more comfortable when wearing Converse All-Stars. The reason why there are so many petrolheads who love these originally designed as basketball sneakers. They have that grip.
In particular female drivers like me swear by our Converse All-Star sneakers for driving comfortably. Even to wear while racing around a track. In my case, they are a must for long-distance stretches on the road too. Plus there are a number of epic Converse All Star styles available currently.

One Month To Go!
Precisely, one month from now. I’ll be off to one of our favourite destinations in the Western Cape, Plettenberg Bay. I’ll be driving in my All-Star sneakers, of course. From Cape Town, it is roughly a 6-to-7 hour-long drive. Since I adore driving, in general, but driving long distances especially, it was apparently one of the deciding factors when my boyfriend booked us for this week-long getaway.
So look out for the Content of My Plett Adventures Next Month.
*No zip-lining this time, unfortunately.