
Mental Health

Dealing with Depression (And Admitting to it)

Why in the incredibly diverse, mostly accepting year of 2018 is mental illness still something we shun. The stigma is still so strong. Yes, it’s not exactly something pretty and shiny and fun to talk about but I want people to talk about. Let’s be honest with ourselves, there are so many different mental illnesses out there and only a…

Take Back Your Power! Self-Defense Class at Life Retreat Studio

My absolute fav yoga studio the Life Retreat Studio ,is so much more than just a yoga studio. I mean they already offer Pilates, Nia, Dancing, Kiddies Yoga, Preggie Yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Bootcamp as well as Meditation and now Self-Defense classes. The minute I saw the class pop up on my Instagram I knew that I needed…


Anxiety is a strange beast. Very few people truly understand it unless of course they’ve experienced it and even then there are so many different levels of anxiety. Even thinking about whether someone else “gets what you’re experiencing” can cause some further anxiety. Sure, everyone gets nervous at times and can feel overwhelmed but an anxiety attack can be truly…

A Break-in, a Breakup and a Breakdown…

I kind of feel like I need to write about some things that recently occurred. Yes, the blog is primarily beauty and fashion but I feel that it is also important to “get real” sometimes with more personal posts. Last month after a particularly tiring day at work I unlocked my apartment and walked in to spot that the sliding…