

Haircare product reviews, styles, maintaining healthy hair

Hair Update- With David Gillson and Carlton Hair

I love changing my hair colour and playing around with hairstyles. Last year I chopped my hair into a lob (Long Bob) and for the last few months I’ve been growing it out again. While I am after length, I will take healthy hair over super long any day and I knew it was time for a trim to get…

bhave Rescue Shampoo and Conditioner Review

A while back I received two small samples from bhave, I really enjoyed the product but as with skincare, I prefer to use haircare products for several uses over a period of time before posting an actual review on them. bhave South Africa then sent over two big bottles which I’ve been using for four weeks now. I’ve used it…

INOAR Vegan Range Review

How cute is this little bunny plush toy that was sent with the press drop of the new INOAR Vegan range. No bunnies or any other animals were hurt in the process of producing the INOAR Vegan line. PETA lists INOAR as a Cruelty Free Company, none of their products are tested on animals and INOAR only uses vegetable-based ingredients…

Canal Walk Bloggers Day Out Gift: Lush Review

By now I’m sure you’ve seen me mention the amazing Canal Walk Bloggers Day Out event which I was fortunate enough to attend. Not only was it incredible from start to finish but we were gifted so many things that two weeks later I’m still sifting through everything. One packet in our “Sweet Dreams” gift bag was from Lush and…

BioSense Colour Seal Silver Shampoo and Hydrating Conditioner Review

Rubybox sent me some Biosense Colour Seal Shampoo and Hydrating Conditioner to test out and review. I have actually never used any Biosense products and was quite excited to discover the brand which is South African and has been around for 20 years. I know, how on earth have I never tried them before! The Colour Seal Shampoo is a…

L’Oreal Studio Line Hot and Big Review

I’ve actually had (and been using) this heat protector spray for a while now but never got around to featuring it on the blog until now. It is the L’Oreal Studio Line It Hot & Big spray and is a A root-boosting amplifying spray. Which is designed to be used while using a blow-dryer, as it contains Thermo-Active technology, to…