Summer Fashion with Mr P

It is certainly no secret that I love Mr P. They offer cute, trendy pieces at affordable prices. Their summer catalogue is filled with matchy sets, fresh prints and plenty of sporty luxe. Mr P are once again collaborating with Henry Holland, whose previous two collections were top sellers so be sure to check out his collection this season as…

Paul Mitchell Neuro Tools Launch and Review

A few weeks back I attended the Paul Mitchell Neuro Styling Tools launch hosted by Retail Box. As some of you may know my laptop crashed, sadly I had just edited and uploaded the pics from this launch onto it and thought that they were lost for good. However, I did manage to retrieve them but this post is a…

Retail News- Topshop, TakeAlot and @Home

Okay, I will admit I am a bit of a shopaholic. I have become more mindful of my spending habits though but with so much happening in the world of retail I can’t help but get excited. Since retail is my number one love, I am majoring in it after all, I have decided to include some “Retail News” posts…

Measurable Difference Brow Amplifying Tint and Lift

Big brows are firmly on just about everyone’s wishlist at the moment. Measurable Difference is a brand that uses RegenaLash technology, a clinically tested, effective peptide complex that promote healthier, longer-looking lashes and fuller-looking brows within 6 weeks. So far I have been using the duo for 4 weeks and can already see an improvement on my brows specifically. I…

TanOrganic Oil Review

I am so excited to share this product with all of you… TanOrganic recently launched a self-tanning oil and yes it is also 100% natural and eco-certified as well as PETA approved. You can read all about the brand over here and my previous review of their Try Me kit (which is currently on special. Save R100!) over here. The…

Beauty Blender Review

For many years I toyed with the idea of getting a Beauty Blender sponge. Every overseas beauty feature I saw raved about this seemingly magical little pink sponge. When overseas I thought maybe I should get it but the price tag always put me off. I recently spotted it on Rubybox, which is a local site and pretty much my…