Everyone knows Groupon and most of you have probably bought something from them at least once before. They are a great place to find killer deals especially in the travel section. Beauty section wise it can be a bit hit or miss as if you don’t know the salon and have never heard of the salon before you can’t always be sure whether you are getting a fabulous bargain or will end up regretting it. I personally enjoy the shopping deals (go figure) and I have scored many voucher type specials at well known online stores such as 36Style (at the time known as 36Boutiques).
Groupon recently approached me to ask that I give a honest unbiased critique on their store in exchange for a voucher*. As I have stated before all my reviews are my own opinion and being gifted will never sway what I say. I put my voucher to good use by signing up for an online web design course and let me say I am completely blown away by this special. See the image below and you will see why….
I think is an absolutely brilliant idea to offer educational courses and to be able to get 90% off of a certified course is incredible. The previous week they had a DSLR course on offer also with an exponentially large savings. The web design course is very thorough and informative, one can take it for up to a year or it can be completed sooner. I have been wanting to learn coding and how to use Dreamweaver better so this course couldn’t of come at a better time.
What types of deals would you like to see offered on a site such as Groupon?