So after my post on “My Botox Experience”, I received quite a few emails asking where I got my t-shirt from and if I am planning any outfit posts for 2019. I had taken these snaps for fun and to show off my freshly styled hair by David Gillson.
So I guess this is a catch-up/lookbook/hair post all rolled into one! Also I’m very much into rap and hip-hop, and trap nation music. So this is a shoutout to Nicki Minaj whose Barbie Tingz song has been on repeat in my car for several months now.

So firstly, the t-shirt was a random impulse purchase from Pick

I’m still obsessed with my blonde, blunt cut which David Gillson. It is just so refreshingly cool, perfect for summer and when I dry it naturally then my waviness creates enough of a beachy look to relaxed but since it’s short and sleek still, it doesn’t look messy.

Disclosure: 1