
Personal Style

Everyday Bodysuit LookBook

Sometimes one shoots and everything is just so easy. The lighting, the backdrop, no Cape Town wind! It all works or perhaps it is simply my new outlook since turning 27 last month. I just feel so comfortable and happy with who I am. What’s not entirely comfortable is a bodysuit, seriously rocking the no bra thing and also telling…

27th Birthday Lookbook

So today I turned 27 years old. Well technically I’ll only be 27 at 7pm but technicalities aside I’m usually one of those people who actually loves their Bday and celebrating it but without a doubt will also end up crying on the day. I don’t know why but I always get so emotional even when I’m extremely happy and…

Pizza is My BAE LookBook

I received this t-shirt in the mail from a reader and absolutely love it!!! Everyone who knows me or follows me on Snapchat/Twitter etc will know just how much I love pizza. I can easily devour two large pizzas all by myself and still want more. A brand I have loved and been loyal too since I was 12 years…

A Bit of Comfort Lookbook

The week ahead is a rather daunting one…on Thursday I’ll be going for surgery and going under anesthetic for the first time in my life. With a heart condition this puts me into the higher risk category. So I’m really hoping things will go smoothly. The past few months I’ve been having some health issues and while I won’t go…

All about the Accessories LookBook

I’ve been quite scarce when it comes to events and lookbooks etc this past month due to health conditions but was feeling much better yesterday and thought why not show you guys my new 4Flavour hat which I am mad about! It works with so many looks and is perfect for hiding messy hair. Jeans- Sissy Boy 8th Wonder of…