
Online Shopping Features

Retail Box Secret Box

I am very excited to have received the 9th Secret Box from Retail Box. Every time they release a new one I eagerly try to get my hands on it. Retail Box tend to leave hints on their social media pages (Twitter and Facebook) of when they may be releasing a new one and then when it is launched there…

Summer Fashion with Mr P

It is certainly no secret that I love Mr P. They offer cute, trendy pieces at affordable prices. Their summer catalogue is filled with matchy sets, fresh prints and plenty of sporty luxe. Mr P are once again collaborating with Henry Holland, whose previous two collections were top sellers so be sure to check out his collection this season as…

Retail News- Topshop, TakeAlot and @Home

Okay, I will admit I am a bit of a shopaholic. I have become more mindful of my spending habits though but with so much happening in the world of retail I can’t help but get excited. Since retail is my number one love, I am majoring in it after all, I have decided to include some “Retail News” posts…

Kerastase Shopping with Retail Box

Last month for their Easter giveaway Retail Box sent me some goodies including a voucher which I was very excited to put to use immediately. Seriously, have you looked at their site? It is without a doubt the best online store for hair products. They are also slowly expanding into beauty products too so watch this space. I decided to…