

One Stiletto At A Time delves into deeper topics in this section. Offering wellness posts on topics including health in general but also advocates mental health awareness. An often personal space about breaking the stigma and helping others too with several charity features.

Are SA beauty “review” sites detrimental to the beauty industry?

I know that I’ll get some backlash from this thought piece, as I am going to name the sites and I have even worked with one of them before. RubyBox started as a beauty box subscription brand, there was also a Glambox. You would pay (with your own money) a subscription fee monthly and receive a lucky packet of beauty…

I had Genetic Testing done with 3×4 Clinics!

Let me start by stating that this image doesn’t exactly correlate to genetics but this is about my testing and my experience. I am absolutely fascinated by genetics so when I was invited to a talk with Dr Yael Joffe RD PhD FACN and the 3×4 Clinics team I was ecstatic. When they offered me a free testing I was…

“They’ll Make You Fat Though” My Story on Anti-Depressants

I am not a qualified medical professional and cannot help with mental health problems, this is simply my journey thus far and why I believe fully that everyone should take the time to have that inner dialogue with oneself and not just listen to what society blasts. I suffer from depression, I have my whole life. Due to naturally low…

Dealing with Depression (And Admitting to it)

Why in the incredibly diverse, mostly accepting year of 2018 is mental illness still something we shun. The stigma is still so strong. Yes, it’s not exactly something pretty and shiny and fun to talk about but I want people to talk about. Let’s be honest with ourselves, there are so many different mental illnesses out there and only a…

Bloggers Versus Influencers in the Beauty Industry

Firstly, let me clearly state that there is in fact no “versus”. It’s not black and white because there are so many factors and no true defined lines but at the end of the day it’s about who is actually looking at an influencer/blogger and going out and purchasing the products. Who is creating actual influence. Not all bloggers are…