Along with the very many, and seemingly ever-growing, facets of my blog I have chosen to add a “Feature” section. This will be about people in the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industry. Individuals who I truly admire for their talent and impact within their respective fields of work. Which will include event planners, photographers, makeup artists and so many more individuals who bring this whole side of the world together.
Marina Nestel’s tenacity, grace and effortless skill inspired me to start this feature. She is the founder and director of The Little Black Book which she launched in 2007. Since then her company has deservedly earned a reputation as Cape Town’s leading events management and public relations consultancies.
The Little Black Book
I recall being invited to one of her prestige events for Tommy Hilfiger’s SA launch. The Little Black Book holds some seriously high-end brands under its portfolio and Marina is renowned for delivering incredible results. I have always admired her ability to pull off everything so seamlessly and strategically too. All the brands I know who have worked with Marina and The Little Black Book, have remarked on her ability to deliver precisely what they had hoped for plus more.

It’s not ideal to always bring the Covid Pandemic into every current post. Undeniably, it is the reality we and the new world we are living in. I do feel that the event industry has always had the outside appearance of being all about looking beautiful at gorgeous brand events. This is just one aspect of a significant industry. The number of hospitality workers, event planners, barmen, designers, makeup artists, photographers… All the companies behind every brand launch have also taken a massive hit. Looking ahead into 2021 brands now more than ever need strong strategic public relations agencies to maintain stability and create growth. This requires true experts in the aforementioned fields. This is again why I mention Marina Nestel. Someone can adapt and grow a business even through the most unpredictable times.
Marina Nestel Focuses on Giving Back…
Aside, from featuring select individuals and their companies (big or small). I would also like to showcase a different side to the one the public eye has of them. In Marina’s case, it has been her dedication to the most amazing charity Mosadie Gives Back.
Mosadie Gives Back is a grassroots organization whose main goal is to feed the poverty-stricken community in Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain. Mosadie Gives Back established a soup kitchen in 2017 to feed this community of Mitchell’s Plain. They are able to serve 40 000 meals a month and provide nutritional breakfast 5 times a week and a hearty late afternoon meal three times a week.
You too can give back and support this initiative
Mosadie Gives Back also organises social and fun events for the community such as Easter Monday, Youth Day and Freedom day to name a few, where they have fed and entertained up to 2000 children.
The most recent one was something that brought visible joy and momentary relief from the stresses of the world. The children were encouraged to have fun and dress up with costumes kindly sponsored by RockaRolla. RockaRolla, owned by Amanda de Waal, is an exciting retail experience that caters for any kind of party or event and also offers associated services like photography, lighting and special effects.
Amanda worked together with Marina throughout the toughest level of lockdowns together to ensure that Mosadie Gives Back was able to continue providing the desperately needed daily meals. Amanda with her company van and Marina with all of her contacts. This just goes to show that having an extensive network such as The Little Black Book can always be put to good use. Or even your own network!
If you would like to show your support to Mosadie Gives Back which is a non-profit organisation then you can donate as little as R10 via SnapScan or visit their Facebook page should you wish to contribute in some other way.

Everybody cares and everyone has fun, all well helping one another!