Rain Wild Cotton Range review and Giveaway

Rain truly is one of my favorite brands. I absolutely adore how fresh and fragrant their products are. They also manage to capture that quality “rich” scent and can turn any house into a welcoming home especially with their Wild Cotton burner oil which creates such warm ambiance and sense of sophistication to any room. I recently received the above…

Woodland Fairy Outfit of the Day

The blog has been a little quiet over the past week but I promise there will be plenty beauty reviews, another vlog and yet another giveaway coming up. This summer I have been working on wearing dresses more often and when I saw this little pale pink dress from Primark I fell completely for the soft pretty feminine look of…

Victoria Secret Glow Lotion

I really, really wish we had a Victoria Secret store in South Africa. Retail fairies pretty please send one this way soon. While in the UK I picked up a few pretty little things as well as this fragrance lotion from their beauty range. I have always loved the scent of the Glow fragrance (not to be confused with Glow…

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Extreme

Summer is officially here which usually means plenty of time in the sun and this can take serious toll on one’s hair. While we all (hopefully all of us) cover our bodies and faces in SPF we often neglect our hair. Damaged hair is never a pretty look so I along with my monthly protein treatments at Carlton International Hair…

Piz Buin “Where Have you Been” Review

Summer is here and we all want to look gorgeous and golden, there is nothing better than someone remarking on your healthy glowing skin and asking “where have you been?”. Note golden and glowing does not mean burnt to a crisp or red and swollen. Whatever you skin type you should always use a sunscreen and not only on full…